
The following are examples of feedback, reported verbatim from email correspondence with WW to illustrate positive engagement with individual and corporate clients, drawn from a range of clinical settings, University departments and national/local policy organisations, in both public and private sectors.

  • We want to thank you for working so responsively to help us use the MCSS-26© with the model of clinical supervision we have introduced in NHS Scotland. Your willingness to understand and meet our needs made working with you a positive and productive experience. As a result, we anticipate we will have a consistent approach to evaluate the implementation of clinical supervision for the nursing and midwifery workforce across NHS Scotland. We recognise the relationship between the staff experience and care outcomes. Using the MCSS-26© will help us monitor how well clinical supervision contributes to the overall support and development provided for our valuable workforce.

    Senior Educator, Scotland

  • Thanks so much for your support and assistance with the evaluation of our clinical supervision program using the MCSS-26©. You provide a responsive and professional service with meticulous attention to detail, critical thinking and consideration. I have also been impressed by your knowledge on both the history of supervision and the contemporary state of supervision research, and your ability to synthesise and utilise this in a way that has been helpful in the formulation and positioning of our project within the current zeitgeist. Thanks for your ongoing commitment to, and passion for, supervision research.

    Evaluation Coordinator, Australia

  • I am very grateful for your kind response, attached papers, and related information below. It’s always a privilege to hear directly from a researcher in relation to their work. I believe this is what I’m after and it will be extremely useful in helping to inform a discussion paper on this topic. If I have any queries, I will let you know but I’m confident what you have provided has answered my question. Thank you also for the complimentary copy of your recent publication which I look forward to reading. I will certainly circulate this amongst my colleagues.

    Policy Officer, Australia

  • Your response to our enquiries regarding the MCSS-26© purchase were always responded to in a timely, informative and professional manner. The evaluation of our MCSS-26© raw data was carried out in an efficient way, and the insights provided and report considerations have been invaluable in sharing the effectiveness of our departmental supervision provision. We also appreciated your recommendations for future studies, which I have shared in broader professional discussions.

    NHS Manager, Wales

  • Thank you for your email and for your help!!  As I can give your name and connection to get in touch with these high-profile academics- I’m sure everything will be much easier for me. Indeed, you connected me with the best in Australia!!  I’m very grateful for your concern and quick answer to my request. I will keep in touch and I will give feedback of the process in due course.

    Associate Professor, Portugal

  • I am grateful for this experience as it will help me with future projects. It has been an amazing honor being in contact with you, the person who’s articles I have been reading while writing my finishing paper during college days. I deeply appreciate all of your effort you have put in helping me. I definitely plan on continuing my journey in clinical supervision, so we can hopefully be in contact for some next opportunities that may come along my way.

    Graduate Nurse, Croatia

  • Your emails to us have been incredibly helpful in discussion with [name] as part of her research development and I would just like to restate that I am incredibly grateful for your reasonable approach and academic generosity. I completely agree with your view on the use of your scale and acknowledge that without your cooperation [name] would have been highly unlikely to be able to produce anything of a passable standard. As a result of your cooperation though, she actually has gathered some meaningful data on the subject of supervision which, given the newness of the field, may in fact be worth pursuing in terms of publication. If this is a decision that [name] takes, I would welcome any further feedback from yourselves and wonder if you would like some involvement in terms of authorship?

    Principal Lecturer, England

  • The materials you sent were very helpful in our thinking about our upcoming project, particularly the role of institutional culture. I have been given authorization to purchase the MCSS 26 scales as part of a large clinical supervision initiative in [US State] 4 psychiatric hospitals. In preparation, I noted that in your article “clinical supervision for mental health professionals, page 81, you mention a variant version of the MCSS 26 for professionals who have not had clinical supervision previously and for whom the standard MCSS 26 would not be appropriate. This is the situation for many of the staff of the hospitals here. Can you share information about this variant scale?

    Associate Professor, USA

  • Thank you for your immediate response. This was much appreciated. As you may have surmised, I am not a researcher…just a supervisor trying to find a tool that my supervisees can use to provide more in-depth feedback on my supervision, so that I may learn and improve. So far, the tools I have tried have not resulted in the kind of developmental feedback I hoped to get…I do think leniency and halo biases play a part. I was hoping to try this tool to determine if feedback might be different.

    Practice Manager, New Zealand

  • You will be pleased to hear that I managed to get a Distinction (90%) for my dissertation. I have my graduation ceremony for my MBA which I managed to achieve an Overall Distinction as well. I am happy to send you the data once I get it out from my research packs. I am happy to assist and very grateful for your assistance in getting the MCSS-26 user guide to me in the time frame you did, which meant I could complete my research in a timely manner.

    Senior (NHS) Manager, England

  • The MCSS-26 could have excellent utility for counselor education programs – both master’s and doctoral-level programs. Across its multiple iterations (Winstanley & White, 2011; 2014) the MCSS-26 has held up to robust statistical scrutiny and demonstrated utility time and time again, making it one of the most valuable instruments in the field of supervision research.

    Doctoral Graduate, USA

  • I have always followed your work and consider you to be one of the giants of supervision who’s shoulders the rest of us walk on. Thank you for your kind words and taking time to read my work.

    Doctoral Candidate, Australia