Clinical Supervision Evaluation / Research - MCSS-26©
The MCSS-26 is a Clinical Supervision-specific research instrument comprising 26 items, scored on a 5-point response scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
Licensed users are provided with e-copies of the MCSS-26 User Manual, dedicated data entry templates, scoring and analytic software, and a personalised Proof of Purchase certificate. See pricing options here.
This provides users with the flexibility for easy upload to a preferred online platform and/or conduct a paper-based survey. For evaluations that involve Supervisees who have no previous experience of Clinical Supervision (in a before and after research design), a variant version of the MCSS-26 has been developed to measure their perception of CS, before they engage the experience (details on request).
Relationships between the Total MCSS-26 score, the three domains of the Proctor Model of clinical supervision and the six MCSS-26 subscale scores.
MCSS-26 data provide the opportunity to measure the different aspects of the clinical supervision process from the supervisees persepective.
Numerous journal articles attest to the practical utility of the MCSS-26 (renamed, after Rasch analysis; see Publications) and has become firmly established as the leading international CS-specific research instrument.
Threshold scores have been developed to indicate efficacy and are used to inform decision-making at local and (inter)national levels.
Anonymized datasets are often shared with White Winstanley Ltd, who create and test new hypothetical propositions. These enter the public domain via their own CS-specific publications, to promote an international CS narrative and research agenda.
Examples of data presentations for the scores from the MCSS-26
Normative dataset from 385 Supervisees
Mean scores for the three Proctor’s domains as measured by the MCSS-26