Clinical Supervision Evaluation / Research - MCSS-26©

The MCSS-26 is a Clinical Supervision-specific research instrument comprising 26 items, scored on a 5-point response scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.

Licensed users are provided with e-copies of the MCSS-26 User Manual©, dedicated data entry templates, scoring and analytic software, and a personalised Proof of Purchase certificate.

This provides users with the flexibility for easy upload to a preferred online platform and/or conduct a paper-based survey. For evaluations that involve Supervisees who have no previous experience of Clinical Supervision (in a before and after research design), a variant version of the MCSS-26 has been developed to measure their perception of CS, before they engage the experience (details on request).

White Winstanley Ltd was commissioned by NHS Education Scotland to develop a variant version of the MCSS-26 to evaluate the national rollout of the Scottish model of clinical supervision, funded by the Scottish Government. The descriptive poster was accepted for presentation by Dr’s White and Winstanley at the 17th annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision, hosted at Redlands University, California, USA in June 2024.

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MCSS-26 has been used by many domestic and international institutions, see examples below.


Department / Unit


NHS Education for Scotland


Development of the NES–MCSS-26 tool

Reflective Practice Groups Queensland,


Development of a variant version of the MCSS-26

West London Mental Health NHS Trust, England (one of the largest and most diverse mental health services in the United Kingdom)


Evaluation of Clinical Supervision Development Programme including delivery of a CS training course, with Brigid Proctor Cascade, London

Allied Health Services, Victoria, Australia


Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for Allied Health staff

Te Puna Waiora, Taranaki District Health Board, New Plymouth, New Zealand


Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for Nursing staff

Lower North Shore Ryde Early Childhood Health Centres, Sydney, Australia

Paediatric care

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for multi-disciplinary staff

Corrections Health Service, Sydney, Australia

Mental health

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for mental health nursing staff

University of Technology Sydney/South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service, Australia

CS Training

Clinical Supervision Initiative (CS course, funded by NSW Centre for Mental Health)

Queensland Treasury/Golden Casket Foundation, Australia


Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial of Clinical Supervision in mental health settings

Sacred Heart Palliative Care Service, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Service wide

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for Multidisciplinary staff

Hunter Mental Health Service, Newcastle, Australia

Service wide

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Clinical Supervision for mental health nursing staff